

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hisia Might Just Have What it Takes to Win The Tusker Project Fame


Its safe to say that Tanzania hasn't been particularly shinning in the Tusker Project Fame. We have seen considerable success through Peter Msechu and by distant from Hemed. We haven't really had impressive singers with star quality. In Hisia maybe trend might change

Young, funny and vastly talented, Hisia might just be what Tanzania needs to prove to the rest of East Africans we have what it takes. With our two contestants out on the first day, who with honesty were not all that great. We now look up to Hisia and Angel to bring the money and pride back home.

From the minute Hisia walks into a room, the room lights up. Charming and funny, this International Business Major at USIU – Africa is always cracking a joke and telling a funny story. However, Hisia is serious about one thing, and that is performance.Hisia loves his mother (who shares his deep passion for singing). Hisia knew he wanted to be on Tusker Project Fame from a while back, and he chased his dream to take the stage.
Q: What habits annoy you the most?
A: Hypocrisy
Q: What is the one thing you cannot do without?
A: Water and my guitar
Q: What is your favourite colour?
A: Red, It looks good on me... at least the girls say so.
Q: Who is your music role model and why?
A: John Legend, because I like the emotion in his voice
Fun Facts about Hisia:

Hisia is the KiSwahili word for Emotion.

If Hisia won Tusker Project Fame, he would invest half the money, and the rest in the entertainment business.

Hisia is single... and figured that when the time is right, it will happen.

Hisia has been to the UK to attend Primary School.

Hisia’s ideal night out on a Saturday would be a place where there is live music

       Goodluck hisia, and bring the money home

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