

Monday, July 29, 2013

Comments On Nando's Disqualification And What BBA Represents


"Big brother I now agree that this show is dividing Africa, you apply your rules as if u this is USA or Europe, you forget that Africa is a troubled continent, you take kids from troubled backgrounds and destroy them in front of Africa, are you going to get Nando some counseling? You further perpetuate the west Africa thing by constantly promoting west Africa on the show, hence the housemates are even scared to nominate Nigeria because its public knowledge that BBA is Naija controlled. Your show is promoting hatred...O'Neal and Pokello were right, it's not a fair game."

"BBA is boring. its for west Africa and theirs alone. lets see who gets the dough between Naija and Ghana. judges like Jackie appiah, akin omotoao, IK and god knows who else, all are from the west Africa. we in southern and sub Africa, cant we have our own reality show. wakey wakey Big Brother. Nando was just a nice kid."

"Apparently Nando is now the most controversial figure to emerge from big brother, kudos biggie people will surely watch your show next year to see more of the same drama. Nando just made your show"

"Stupid game, why is it called reality show if u want a person to behave your way,, what do you expect when you push someones buttons, ,,,,NANDO was a winner, now this stupid game is real boring" 

"This BBA thing is just becoming a disgrace to Africans" 

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