

Monday, June 3, 2013

Becoming A Freemason Has Its Own Share Of Responsibilities

Becoming a Freemason is just like becoming a member of any organization. There are benefits to experience but along with those benefits are responsibilities that a Freemason also needs to accomplish and perform.
There are responsibilities imposed upon a new mason upon entering the brotherhood. As the mason progresses in acquiring different degrees, new duties are added upon his shoulders. As he performs those duties, he is able to attain and live a commendable life.
The first duties will serve as his foundations as a Freemason. There are three main duties that a Freemason must accomplish

Duty To God

Masonry is not necessarily a religion; its members are required to be religious, which means he must believe in God. He needs to be respectful and to always revere God. In every admirable job that he needs to do, he must implore the help of the Creator. He must always look up to God as the head of all good. Everything in this brotherhood refers to God; implies about Him, speaks, leads and points to Him.
Anyone who wants to be a Mason must first kneel down and confess of his trust and faith in God. His duty involves believing in the power of prayers. Prayer will unlock the bountiful blessings of the creator.

Duty To Neighbor

A mason must love and must respect anyone, regardless of his/her religion, belief or race. He must be fair to anyone and he must not do to any person what he does not want to be done to him. If you do not want others to harm you, then do not cause them harm. If you want others to be kind to you, then show them your kindness. When you are a mason, never think that you will only serve or respect your fellow mason. You must learn to share your goodness with anyone and everyone. It is your responsibility to extend whatever help you can without choosing who you should give your help to. As part of the society, it is expected of you as a Mason to be a helpful part of the society.

Duty To Oneself

One cannot be at peace with other people unless he starts to make peace with his own self. As a freemason, you need to first respect yourself so you could set yourself as a good example to others. Hold yourself in esteem. As a pious individual required of masonry, you should keep in mind that the creator is constantly looking upon each and everyone. He knows what a person's real thoughts and feelings are. He knows all our actions and plans; thus, all these things He can observe about us must be worthy of His inspection. Domestic and public virtues are expected to be observed by a Freemason. You must always have a good sense in all your undertakings. You must chastise yourself with self-control. You must be resilient and strong. You must be fair and just in all your actions. The main virtues you should abide by are honesty, wisdom and trustworthiness. Your duty to yourself is to make the best out of the life God has given you.

Duty To The Lodge

While it is true that a Freemason needs to be firm in all obligations and responsibilities he needs to perform, he must also not neglect his duties to the Lodge. Those duties are mainly to attend Lodge meetings. Absence from these meetings should only be justified if a brother has a legitimate and honest reason for not attending.

Duty To The Country

As a brother, you must be obedient to the laws of your country. You must be an example to others through
your exemplary fulfillment of your civil duties. You must not do anything that would disrupt the order and peace of the society and your country.

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