My ex girlfriend just changed her Facebook profile pic, and it's just a Photoshopped
version of her last one! what is the point? and she even forgot to
delete the unphotoshopped one which makes it so obvious because her face
is less bumpy (from foundation covering breakouts), gotten rid of a that strange birth mark thing she has, less shiny and more brown, eye lashes darker,
eyes bigger (wtf?) and her cheeks are more red! she doesn't even look
like this but it's how she would look if she was a perfect version of
herself. She was even able to add some meat into her boom boom just to prove to her Facebook stalkers she is indeed "Mtoto Wa Tanga"
I think these folks who Photoshop themselves to look perfect have serious issues. I mean, talk about setting
yourself up for failure. I don't understand whats the point of altering
your image is when people on your social network already know your
fat and have an ugly face. Finding a mate will be twice as hard
because people are getting deceived and you are wasting their time. You are
basically making yourself look like a narcissistic attention ***** that
is desperately trying to seek approval. Either go out and get plastic Surgery or get ready to live a loooong looong lonely lonely
life! Unless your able to find a sociopath nutcase
It freaks me out because I've seen people get addicted to it and the whole "ur so pretty babes", "Aki wewe ni mhot" comments.I just think it's a bit pathetic because it means they took time out of your
day to pose and photoshop their photo because they actually care THAT
much of what people think of them :?
Too bad we can't Photoshop ourselves in real life. Oh wait, it's called makeup. ;)
i cant stand people who photoshop themselves including celebrities