

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Maybe The top 5 Hottest male artist in kenya

Ever been to a Redsan concert? Those who have will be able to attest to his ability to drive the female section of the crowd WILD with anticipation as he belts out his latest hits. His Jamaican patois lyrics may be slightly hard to understand, but whenever the ladies can't hear him, they still have his buff body to look at.

Chimano may be a small man, but his big, booming bass voice is his main competitive advantage. Whenever he starts his verses in Sauti Sol songs, women are left gasping for breath from the shock and awe. Whether he is wearing suits or skinnys, his dress sense is always up to date, endearing him to the younger crowd.

The self-proclaimed 'King wa Flow' has won over many Kenyan women with his confident delivery more than anything. They say there is nothing sweeter than forbidden fruit, so perhaps when he said, "Mmh, ha, nisha-marry" it increased his appeal!

TonyTony MOG
Despite being involved with a controversial case last year where he was accused of having a baby out of wedlock, his urban Christian fanbase still scream his name whenever he comes up on stage. After he admitted to being the father of the baby, MOG temporarily suspended him from the group, but eventually took him back after a short while. Maybe the female MOG fans were complaining about his absence?

Holy DaveHoly Dave
Kind-heartedness is a much desired trait in men, so when Dave Muthengi launched his Holy Dave Foundation, many ladies must have gone, "aww, how sweet!" With those pink lips and chunky bod, he's got a touch of LL Cool J about him. What's not to like?

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