

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Obvious Factor

Death. The only way to meet your creator. The reverse of life. The greatest have fallen. Make a roll call and tick present for Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King and many others. We are all aware they are absent.

Unavoidable as it is it maximizes that chance well. Fear not for company is abundant. We all share the victim character. Heart beats have to lose rate and breathe has to be cut short. That is how life makes its rhythm. Life co-currently occurs with death. Demise describes all versions of damage and its damage control is paranormal. Every day we wake up, we walk to the edge of our mortal lives.

Despair in future predictions is created as soil is thrown on coffins daily. Immortality questions are drafted. Why is it that we leave forever and not live forever? Utilise all brain power, but the Lord owns that answer.

Don’t be too sorrowful that it took your dad or mum and didn’t take you. Patience, my friend, it is coming. It communicates not. Surprise is its biggest element. Have you ever stared it in the face? Sometimes it introduces its self once or twice. You have a feeling that you are gone and then you are alive suddenly.

I’m talking about cancer survivors. You seriously feel the wrath of luck making its point. Not even a jackpot winner can portray that feeling of luck because life’s enemy is that intimidating. Forget the landslide losses on
Wall Street, the loss margin of death can’t be rescued by billions of dollars. Use all the chemotherapy you can but that cancer will show you the road map to your grave. Live large, live well because when your time runs out on death’s clock, there are no warnings.

Tick tock has sensitive meaning in deaths office. African timing isn’t exercised in the activities of shutting down your life. Death is best friends with punctuality. Eternity has been described as paradise not to mention free pizza and milk shake showers. The irony is no one can volunteer to visit eternity because that involves shaking hands with the guy responsible for your disappearance on earth.

Occasionally a dead person is bothered with intense recognition. Where was that when that person failed to negotiate his stay on earth? Let’s smother each other with love because time is against us. Let’s express in full extents what we should because it’s more essential when we can still see it.

Why wait to share the pleasant speeches with tears running through our teeth. The effects of bye-bye forever are majorly encompassed around remorse, sorrow and realisation of the full potential of the dead person. The bouquet of flowers is most important when I can trace the scent and define the color. There is no time to hate otherwise even when death approaches you it shall compliment your dark heart. Don’t be curious to see death coming, you won’t. C’est la vie (This is life).

1 comment:

  1. Very emotional and touching words. My mom (my best teacher and role model) always tells us to show much love while stil alive, if we have to give, give it while we are stil living, healthy and happy. Good deeds never die even when we are dead.
    I like ;)
