

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thoughts On "RvP" Move To United

  • If united buys RVP then i have no doubt Rooney will be dropped down deeper to help in the midfield because that's where i see the real problem for United
  •  RvP is a coveted striker but it could prove dysfunctional in the end. We have unreliable LB & CM, these is what United should be trying to fix. It's in my opinion that we only had to sign RvP for ego, having lost out on other top targets.Robin Van Persie
  • Its seems everyone wants to be the fantasy Man United manager , trying to air out their own opinions and formations forgetting that SAF has been there for 25 years. He certainly knows what he wants and RvP might be his secret weapon for next season even if he asks him to play in the midfield. If we knew what SAF is thinking then we'll be him. So lets just trust the boss and let him do his job. We should  just wait and celebrate at the end of the season.
  • Man United's motto next season with van persie on board will be " we're gonna score more than you"! In 1999 we won the treble having 4 classic strikers in the team.This season Rooney, welbeck, Chicharito and RvP will be a significant step to that. United don't need midfielders.The only player we needed was 'a kagawa' and we got that, a player to link midfield n attack. But in central midfield, Giggs, Scholes, Carrick, Cleverly and Anderson will be sufficient this season. Sir Alex said he was gonna give Anderson a chance this season and judging by his performance against Barca, Anderson will come good this season bar injury. Cleverly also faces a defining season. Why hamper their development with buying another midfielder? As a United fan I'm happy with our squad.Enough depth in all areas
    • Van Persie is the best striker in the league, and one of the best in the world, better than Rooney in my opinion and still some United fans don't want him, last year United lost against Blackburn at home without Rooney, there attack is dependent on Rooney being fit as Welbeck and Hernandez are not good enough yet. If Rooney gets injured United are screwed unless they get Van Persie.

       Fact is that if United had Van Persie last season they would've won the league and probably gone further in the champions league.

       A midfielder is needed for United but Van Persie would make United very strong competitors for the league, a attack of RVP, Rooney, Nani and Kagawa would make any defense in the world worried.


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