

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


On my way to the office yesterday i heard some striking news on the radio,i wondered who is it now cause last month we had the the doctors going on strike..after listening carefully to the National radio i realized its the Teachers.Oh i knew it was coming ,Teachers have been at it for decades,We have become a nation of endless strikes and they get more unconventional by the year. I mean did you see Teachers strike coming?
Tanzanian teachers went on strike on Monday to push for better pay joining doctors in demanding higher salaries as rising costs of living threaten to stoke social tension.
Many public schools across Tanzania were forced to suspend classes as teachers stayed at home.
The teachers' strike comes on the heels of an on-off strike by doctors who have also been demanding salary increases and better working conditions.
About 200,000 teachers in the country voted overwhelmingly for the strike, ignoring a warning from the president that the boycott was illegal, the Tanzania Teachers' Union said in a statement.
"Some 95.7 percent of our members voted in favour of the strike, hence validating the industrial action against the government as their employer," Gratian Mukoba, chairman of the teachers' union said in a statement.
Teachers want a pay hike of more than 100 percent from their current average monthly salary of around 500,000 shillings ($320). The government said it was willing to raise their salaries by about 15 percent in the 2012/13 fiscal year.  Doctors launched another round of strikes last month after talks with the government over better pay and conditions failed to reach a compromise.
Tanzania's year-on-year inflation rate fell to 17.4 percent in June from 18.2 percent a month earlier, but consumer prices remain high in the country.
($1 = 1578.0000 Tanzanian shillings) (Reporting by Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala; Editing by Issah QM Msongo)

they strike while below innocent children suffer
who to blame on this matter ?is it the teachers or the government?

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