Inevitably it is, and so shall it be. THE NEW WORLD ORDER has been in
place for several decades now. We are all part of it, believe it or not.
The uniform laws in place, world political reforms that have been
witnessed by many of us, the world financial systems, religious
singularity and many more are crucial wheels towards achieving this
We cant deny the optical impacts of this system, we see laws being
consolidated, monetary unification and religious singularity. All these
have been shaped, with master minds and men of visions. It was only an
imagination then, and it seemed utopian to attain but what's more
powerful than imagination? even knowledge cannot overpower it, for every
reality starts with imagination. Who would have believed a hundred
years ago that mankind would walk on the moon, that space tourism would
be as touring a national park or a museum? all this great change is by
the power of imagination.
What is to be attained is far more greater than globalization, its far
more than internet, its far more than United Nations. We are in the
quest for one world government making the world not only as a village
but as one family. This is a turning point of mankind's history, having
attained a total control of resources, total control of environment
which is the crucial vehicle towards global advancement.
Africa is part of this and so every one else. To deny it is fooling
oneself its better to face the reality and shape the system to suite our
needs. Positives things can be adopted from all parts, from all
jurisdictions, from all legal systems. This will shape our weaknesses
and enhance our energies seeing things from different angles and so
making the right decisions and correct judgements towards one another
with fairness, love and equality at the highest level, this is total
liberation, total democracy.
What we need as Africa is transformative leaders, leaders who are
willing for a transformation, leaders who are determined to the end. For
the end is only the beginning, and a new course shall take place,
better, stronger and more advanced than the former.
By Oscar O. Mutaitina,
LL.B (Finalist) at Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi
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