Friday, May 16, 2014

Campus Hostels at Midnight: What are students up to?

Room number one Onyango is busy banging a first year chic he just met the other day. First he showed her where Hall 1 lecture hall is, or whatever it’s called, then took her to BSSC for some Chips and fresh juice and chips.  In the evening it was a train of Gin bottles for her at the Students Annex and now she’s all confused, and now he’s banging her. Good job Onyango. I’m ashamed of you. I thought ponyoka na fresha ended when Robert...

5 ways to be popular in campus

In our teens and early twenties, we all wish to be recognized in one way or another. It’s human nature. Being a person that no one really cares about or values can be really stressful. Boys always crave for respect and high recognition while girls usually crave for admiration and praise. The desire to be someone recognizable and influential is sometimes beyond our control. Campus is one of the best places to be popular. But how exactly can you get...