Friday, June 28, 2013

Effects Of Marijuana On Sex..

  Many think smoking a jane has no effect to our sex lives,..Many guys would want to smoke some few puffs before having intercourse thinking they will feel much love in action,some force their partners to also smoke before they start heavy petting . Marijuana can cause serious sexual problems in many couples. Smoking a jane might make you think you're feeling the love, but studies show marijuana can be detrimental to your sex life.Here i...

30 Most Inspirational Young Africans

  We are always inspired by stories of young people doing remarkable work in their countries to facilitate development in the lives of people in their communities and throughout the continent. This year’s list identifies young Africans, mostly below 30 years of age, who are prominent in their areas of activism or fields of expertise and are coming up with innovative ways to address some of the challenges faced by the continent. Kelvin...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Best Cartoons Series of All Time..

My young sister keeps mocking me that am getting childish despite of me being more than two decades old,she thinks after childhood one should not involve himself in watching cartoons,it took time for me to educate her what are the importance of watching cartoons even after one's childhood.. I still watch cartoons, its one reason am TV fanatic...and today without hesitating i will list my best cartoons of all time... Scooby Dooby Doo..   ...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why Every young man should Dress well..

  I always think that every man should dress well since it improves your self esteem ,today am to speak of my fellow blooming friends,i always say being young is a crucial stage ,i think dressing well at a young age is so crux.I don't mean to say Old-man shouldn't dress to kill ,many of them old dudes have a well fixed wardrobe and they know how to put on those tuxedo's . I welcome argument for this post since not every young dude out there...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Big Brother Africa All About Coupling

Since day one, Sierra Leone’s Bolt and Ethiopia’s beauty Betty have shared a bed. Since then they have done a lot more than share a bed. From jealous lovers to making out, the pair have done it all only for them to be separated on Sunday when Betty was evicted from the Big Brother Africa (BBA) house. Holding on to each other so tight, it was sad to watch the two bid each other farewell. Now Bolt has to plot for another game plan. It makes...

Bongo So Called Star Search

So this year’s, EBSS is back with the motto  'KAMUA' will take place in six regions which are Mbeya, Arusha, Zanzibar, Mwanza, Dodoma and Dar es Salaam. I have been watching the show since the first season and I just love that it has created a lot of stars, really wish i remembered their names . I would hate to see the show die because it has sentimental meaning to so many Tanzanians,since it can be that desired platform to probable...

Monday, June 24, 2013

"Clouds" The Most Moving Song Ever

"When faced with months to live, how do you say goodbye?" Like so many other terminally ill cancer patients before him, Zach Sobiech turned to music. Though in this instance, the 17-year-old musician from Lakeland, Minn. is facing his situation with a touching song, titled "Clouds." After battling bone cancer for three years, Minnesota teenager Zach Sobiech was told this past May that the disease had spread and that there were no longer...

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The 5 Most Beautiful University Campuses in Kenya

5.The Catholic University of Eastern African (CUEA) The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), like most other universities, started in a modest way. It commenced as a graduate school of theology known as the Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa (CHIEA). Located in Langata, Nairobi, CUEA gives a feel of nature with large green spaces and numerous trees.  - See more at: Located...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Types of Traditional African Jewelry

Precious stones, such as diamonds and jade, as well as precious metals, such as gold and silver, are common in jewelry around the world. What about in Africa? How many types of African jewelry - jewelry originating in Africa, or made in Africa, or worn in Africa - do you know? 1. Beads Beadwork is common across Africa. Famous for their beadwork, made into necklaces and bangles or arm bands, are the Maasai and the Samburu of Kenya, as well...