Friday, May 31, 2013

How Relevant Is Swahili??

When speakers of English, particularly native speakers, refer to English as a global language, they often do so with a sense of pride and comfort. They do so because there is a lot of encouragement from political circles as well as the media that expresses the idea that English is the preferred communication tool across national boundaries. Let me also point out that not all native speakers of English are thrilled with the idea of making English...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Big Brother Africa Vs My Good African Culture

Big Brother Africa is a reality television show created by John de Mol. The show is all about a group of persons from different countries of Africa living together in a large house,isolated from the outside world and continuously monitored by television cameras. As the name implies,"Big Brother Africa" was suppose to portray and preserve African "Culture and Heritage". But, ironically,the show is now used for sexual immorality, unnecessary...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Finally!! I Have Watched Fast & Furious 6

Well, I know i am probably among the last movie enthusiast to watch Fast & Furious 6...down here we have only two movie cinemas..mmh you can see where i am coming from...Plus, It took me awhile to get a proper date...Tell me, whats the sense of watching a movie which will push your adrenaline limits without a hot chick besides you?? So, I am pretty sure this is best movie in Fast And The Furious series. Best in all 6 movies. Like always movie...


  1. PRICKLY HEATA fact about tattoos that you might not have been aware of while you were getting yours done is that the tattoo machine punctured your skin anywhere from 50-3,000 times per minute! One solid needle is pricking your skin while depositing an insoluble ink in your skin with every perforation. It sounds painful and I'm sure it all depends on where you're getting it done but I've been told it's a relaxing experience to some!2....

YOLO is for Fools!!

  Note:The above heading is not to provoke anybody,am trying to express my feelings for the so called YOLO community.. I wasn't much aware of the abridged term YOLO,until it was popularized by the 2011 song "The Motto" by Canadian rapper Drake.YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once"..this term is much used by youth this days implying that one should enjoy life, even if that entails taking risks.. YOLO is an acronym that managed to pick...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Government VS Mtwara

    Tanzania, once known as the haven of peace, is slowly but steadily sliding into a culture of violence. Once upon a time, we read or heard of loss of life and damage to roads and property in other countries. These days, it takes very little to set off a bout of vicious violence here. We are just a fledgling economy and a donor-dependent nation. We should know that it will take time and money to rebuild what we are destroying...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Burry me!! No Mourning!!

  Over the weekend i went to pass my condolence to a friend who lost somebody special in her life... one thing one should know i don't like funerals ,they give me goosebumps ,and not because i hate paying sympathy but i always have cold feet when i attend them.. After we arrived at the site,we had to go and show some compassion to the family members and especially the ladies who were sitting in a certain room,i have this apprehensive manner...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Parents, It's time to watch porn with the kids...

 Courtesy:Andrew Onyango..   Pornography... One word... So many opinions... 10 to 14 BILLION dollars a year... The time has come for parents to take responsibility and stop pointing fingers at the smut makers. With the rapid growth of the digital porn industry, it may be time for that "birds and bees" conversation to be updated to something a little more hardcore. I think it's time parents start considering watching porn with...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tanzania under 30 successful names..

  Patrick Ngowi Nine years ago, Patrick Ngowi, 28, received a small loan from his mother to start off a business. He started off selling Chinese mobile phones, but when he discovered that a tiny fraction of Tanzanians enjoyed any access to stable and reliable electricity, he knew he had to rectify that problem. Ngowi set up Helvetic Solar Contractors Limited, a company that is a pioneer in the supply, installation and maintenance...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Top Ten Richest African Musicians

African Music has evolved over the years. With the influx of the exciting Western entertainment culture into the African music terrain, and the media explosion being experienced worldwide, it’s only consequential that the earnings of our illustrious headlining musicians should take an upward curve. Smiling to the banks is a sure given, and according to Answers Africa, the top...

Why i want to be Rich..

  Yes the heading says it well,of course any one would want to be wealthy..i have been saying this since i was a kid,used to admire people with fancy cars good women and how they wore their suits and tie. After all the trouble in my school time i would definitely need some things to ease down the academic mockery and that would probably be richness..happiness and wealth... Eat whatever i want. Yes,i am trying to express my love for food...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stress Management...

An ebony queen i call her,she is such a mesmerizing creature...she is always wearing a good fragrance that always trap my nostrils.. she is always smart ,sexy and always wearing tops to show her half concealed breasts.. Intelligent i would name her,always thinking of success ,calm and social to some point,she is understanding and loving,when we are together in public people can name us Jay and B,the powerful love that we have..we always put smile...

Monday, May 20, 2013


  "beep,brrrzzzz!! (cell phone vibrating) I quickly opened the text,the excitement i had was unbearable,i hadn't have this feeling for quite sometime..the text made my mouth salivary ,i caressed my lips with my tongue,my nerves were hot ,wondering what is she to say this time.I felt i was all alone in the entire face creased up like a child who has been hurt... "i love your muscles,you are so sweet always tense around you!! She...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Brian Busted Juicing himself...

  He hated the fact that his friends mocked him,he was always counted as a nerd,the parents and friends also despised him....he was such a loner,and that's how everybody knew him of,at the age of 15 he was trying to get close to friends but with no luck he decided to be anti social.. The fact he was still a virgin surely disturbed him,girls at his school knew about the little secret he had ,so intensely they would  tease him,others even...