Friday, April 26, 2013

Homosexuality life in Tanzania..PT 1..

  In Tanzania,we like to pride ourselves on our vigilance in preventing the introduction of western cultures and ideologies which would interfere with our traditions and beliefs.Our parents have had this pride forever and that's all they teach us,they hate the fact that we are still in kind of slavery although it was abolished physically and maybe not mentally.. As we are on the effort to try protecting our pride for us not to adopt the...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Answering (or trying to) the Religion Question in Tanzania

  Tanzanian politicians are funny. On one hand they would tell religious leaders to stay out of politics when religious leaders speak ill of the government but on the other hand these same political leaders go to churches and mosque and give political speeches. Nobody said anything when members of the clergy called Kikwete "Chaguo la Mungu" but now that the tide has turned they are not to speak of politics? Well the first paragraph...

The 9 Types of Intelligence

1. Linguistic intelligence reflects the ability to read, write, tell stories, and learn languages, grammar, and syntax. Strengthen this ability by studying a new language, improving vocabulary, and writing. 2. Your friendly computer programmer has logical-mathematical intelligence. She’s comfortable with numbers, logic, reasoning, and abstractions. To increase logical ability, get a book of logic games, knit a sweater, and learn...

The World's Billionaires

The ranks of the world's billionaires have yet again reached all-time highs, both in terms of the number of billionaires and record net worth. The United States still has more billionaires than any other country, but once again the world's richest person comes from outside its borders. Here are the top 3 billionaires of the world. #1 Carlos Slim Helu & family Net Worth$73 B As of March 2013   Honorary Chairman, América...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Most Powerful Intelligence Agencies In The World

Intelligence Agency is an effective instrument of a national power. Aggressive intelligence is its primary weapon to destabilize the target. Indeed, no one knows what the intelligence agencies actually do so figuring out who the best intelligence service is can be difficult. The very nature of intelligence often means that the successes will not be public knowledge for years, whereas failures or controversial operations will be...

The Highly Controversial 'Shackles of Doom"

The controversial play Shackles of Doom by Butere Girls High School will finally be performed on Sunday at the Kenya National Schools and Colleges Drama Festival in Mombasa. The play is produced by Dora Okaalo and directed by Nicholas Lusuli and Marvin Oman. The plot revolves around the greed for oil wealth and how one community gets into a binding deal with the inhabitants of an oil-rich land, but affairs of the heart and blackmail trigger...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

When Ernesto "Che" Guevara Came In Dar Es Salaam

 Ernesto "Che" Guevara was in Dar es Salaam for about five months from October 1965 - February 1966, besides the time he spent in the western part of the country during his Congo mission. And it was when he was in Dar es Salaam that he wrote his famous book, the Congo Diaries, while staying at the Cuban embassy during those critical months... Although the Tanzanian government knew about the passage of the Cuban internationalists...

Getting Results In Your Exams

When Form Six results came out, I was privileged to access results for one of the best schools in the country. Someone who goes to the same school looked at the list and there was a certain lady I will call Lady Brains who had scored 3 points –maximum points in Form Six. While being briefed, this is what I was told about her, “I am not surprised. That girl used to read like crazy. She would sleep at 2am and wake up by 4am. Even while having...

Is This Relationship Worth It?

He is cute. Actually no. He is handsome! You were shocked when he took you out on a date, even more surprised when he asked that you be his girlfriend. You keep wondering how lucky you can be. Here is one admired young man that many other women were hoping would date them. But he chose you! You now know exactly what the saying “butterflies in the stomach” means. Wow. Except for the bottle. Yes, it is the one thing that bothers you. His...

Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao Manny Pacquiao grew up in the slums of the Philippines, a true underdog story if ever, there was one. One of five other siblings, poverty was the norm for his family. Like Jack Johnson, Manny also moved away from his home...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Second Hand Clothes in Tanzania (mitumba)

  "mia nane...mia nane..mia tano...mia tano" the bellow came from a mid aged guy who was entirely wet from his sweat ,caring less and trying to market his stuff,anyone could easily see him since he was standing on a metallic table his legs were covered with colorful stacks of unsorted clothes,he then lifts a long sleeved gray t-shirt and in seconds is on a jeans waving it and giving it a price.. That's how good it can get at Karume market,one...

Please Berlin...We Want Our Dinosaur

Discovered by a German engineer, Brachiosaurus is considered one of the largest dinosaurs to have ever walked the earth, were found in the early 1900s in Tendaguru, a former German colony, in what is now Tanzania. The Dinosaur is currently displayed at the Natural Science Museum In Berlin, earning Germany a substantial amount in revenues, collected from its display. Our government should speed up its progress in trying to attain what is...

Bye Bye Loliondo.....

“Dear Guest, Welcome to the UAE. Enjoy the best network coverage and other unmatched services only with Etisalat. Please use<+> or <00>before the country code for international calls. For directory services call 181, for availability of GPRS, MMS 3G roaming services call Etisalat Travellers help line 8002300 & for inquiries on Tourism, entertainment, shopping, etc call 7000-1-7000(Roaming rates apply) Have a pleasant stay...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dar-es-salaam most dangerous areas

we have heard of crimes taking place in different places,perhaps you may be a victim...the late nights after clubbing and you meet a  gang that definitely squeeze you to a corner and make sure they make you miserable,or for  my fellow friends that loose their wallets and purse everyday just struggling to get transport back home. we are all not happy on getting robbed or losing the things we most value,today i will try listing down places...

Friday, April 19, 2013

China Style..How To Make Fake Eggs

In China there are fake schools and classes that teach a variety of blatant fraud technology, even eggs can be modulated by chemical materials, but also be able to fry cook, is currently the most popular False course. Step 1 modulation of raw materials Using 7 kinds of chemical materials, see pic below Fake egg was made from calcium carbonate, starch, resin, gelatin, alum and other chemical products. Step 2 egg production Raw egg into the...

Dar-es-Salaam..Once A Home To Revolutionaries

From the earliest days of Independence in 1961, Tanganyika under the Tanganyika African National Union, Tanu, served as a base for various liberation movements fighting against colonialism and settler-colonialism, particularly in Southern Africa.  Tanzania became a reliable rear base for Namibia’s South West African People’s Organisation (Swapo) and the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo) as well South Africa’s African...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Movie Review; Olympus Has Fallen

If I was a critic I would have written this movie off. Saying that its just one of those movies with the same old plot with a bit modification. This is true, but as an audience I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.The best thing about this movie is its pace. You won't know how fast the 110 minutes go. There's not a minute you will feel bored. The attack sequences are bit over the top, but if you are a drama lover, you won't be disappointed. The storyline...

Smoking The Malawi Gold

 Malawi Gold is the name given to cannabis originating in Malawi, a country in southeast Africa. In the chichewa language, it is locally known as chamba.[Chamba is grown mainly in central and northern regions like Mzuzu. It is internationally renowned as one of the finest sativas from Africa. Malawi Gold is also known as one of the most potent psychoactive pure African sativas. The popularity of this strain has led to such a profound increase...

Most Powerful Contemporary Africans

Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent,the land of various talents ,in this land of Africa there people with proper influence to the world and amongst them there most powerful celebrities,today we list some of the most powerful celebrities in African continent.. 1.Youssou N'dour, Age: 51, Senegalese, Musician Youssou N'dour is a Senegalese singer, percussionist, songwriter, composer, occasional actor, businessman...