Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bi. Kidude :Old as My Tongue

  Its a decade since i reside in this beautiful busy town,all my talents i can say are raised from this boiled place called Dar-es-salaam,a town with all possible activities may you speak of ,may it be the worst traffic jam or brigands. Leaving in Magomeni mapipa with my Swahili family could easily make me become a taarab artist or a bongo fleva rapper,the daily sounds of radio Tanzania playing songs like "Njiwa" or "Kimasomaso" Msumeno by...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Joys Of Safari Lager

All of us at sometime or another have had beers that have really stood out, not just because of it's taste, but because of the story of how you came to be drinking that particular beer. A good friend of mine, Isaya Chapombe once told me “A good beer is a beer that you don’t realize how good it is until you stand up.”   So i have this thing for Safari Lager, Oh yes..The brand that has refused to die, unlike its cousin "Bingwa"  that ...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Entertainment Over Education

One visitor who came to the city of Timbuktu (in West Africa) noted that the most valuable item there wasn’t the gold which Timbuktu was famous for. No, it was books. This stands out to be because this was perhaps the richest city in the world at this time period—Mansa Musa, who had ruled over the city of Timbuktu was named the richest man in history—and here books were more valuable than gold. This is the type of emphasis these people...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Galaxy 4, What Does It Mean To Us Africans??

Lagging behind. I do not see any hope at all that we are going to compete with those Asians and Whites any time soon. We simply lack the consciousness, the technical skill, the burning ambition, the infrastructure and the backup capital to start. Samsung and Apple are at it again. Late last week, Samsung released the latest version of its Galaxy S4 smart phone in New York City, intended to compete with the American giant Apple in the high-end...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

6 worst Jobs in Tanzania..

jobs are categorized in many ways ,either you earn a fortune or less that's your job,the early waking and driving to the office can explain that we  love our jobs but yet their people out there that are not married to their jobs,they just work to put a meal on the table for the kids,others work just for the sake,There are days when we all feel like we have the worst job in the world. But when you actually quantify aspects of every job and compare...

5 Best Ways to Kill Yourself Slowly

What would be 5 best ways to kill yourself slowly? I bet there are numerous answers such as slow poison or something like that. If suicide has ever crossed your mind, I am sure you would come up with hundred ways of doing it. But here, I am writing something offbeat that can kill you extremely slowly. These may take several years, but surely they will kill you. Now that is different, isn’t it? Most times, I end up writing about the “top...

Ok, The Harlem Shake Is Now Boring!

This Harlem shake thing is the most ridiculous, waste of time, dumb thing the Internet could have ever brought to us and I'm so sad, disappointed. I don't even know the word to use but I hate to see people I respect so much getting this crazy thing recorded and publicly. Yeah sure, we can all have fun and all. But this is just too much! That's just my opinion, and just as you have the right to embarrass yourself publicly, I have the right to...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

R.I.P E-sir!!

His name resembles mine that's one thing that made me love this artist,sometimes i believe the name carries talent,Born Issah Mmari, on May 20, 1981 in California Estate, and raised in South c estate Nairobi, Kenya, E-Sir was a Kenyan hip hop artist signed to the Ogopa DJs label who was famous for his deft lyrical ability and command of the Swahili language. He is still widely regarded as one the best rappers to emerge on the Kenyan hip hop scene. I...

Friday, March 15, 2013

sexiest Hollywood actors 2013..

Apparently since the year started we have seen latest movies,movies with a lot of creativity,best themes and storyline,some unbearable actions,but in making a good movie there some catalysts needed and one being a hot actor or actress.More films are on the way but for what we have now on market is already quenching our we have a random list of the most sexiest actors that we think they are already on the top lists on many fun's mouth. Chris...

Photoshop, Ex Girlfriend And My Thoughts

My ex girlfriend just changed her Facebook profile pic, and it's just a Photoshopped version of her last one! what is the point? and she even forgot to delete the unphotoshopped one which makes it so obvious because her face is less bumpy (from foundation covering breakouts), gotten rid of a that strange birth mark thing she has, less shiny and more brown, eye lashes darker, eyes bigger (wtf?) and her cheeks are more red! she doesn't even look...

The Top Movies in 2013

2012 was a fantastic year, for cinema goers, and DVD & Blu-Ray lovers alike. Four years and five movies worth of hard work paid off for Marvel Studios, as their flag-ship film, The Avengers, became the third highest grossing film of all time. Visionary director Christopher Nolan also completed his critically adored,   The Dark Knight, trilogy in mesmerising fashion. Audiences were graced with a new, stylish James Bond film, and George...

Hey there, I am currently watching "Arrow"

"My name is Oliver Queen. For five years I was stranded on an island with only one goal - survive. Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish - to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else."   Spoilt millionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing-presumed-dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man,...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"I lose sexual desire when my man asks me for intercourse"

  "Msongo i am 24 years old ,well known by Jessica i reside in Kampala,i have been following your articles and they have quite impressed and enlighten me,some simple writing with wondrous theme. I don't believe you are a love guru or i hate to say so but i need your help,,i have a problem in losing sexual desire.I have been evading my guy whenever he asks me to have intercourse ,and whenever i have sex with my guy am always dry .what should...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The healing power of foods Part 1.

Among the most things i like to do is eating, Humans can adapt to eating almost anything whether mineral,vegetable or animal .But simply because something can be eaten it doesn't mean that this may be done without risking good health. Our Health depends on the sum total of the many small decisions that we take each day,in other words our lifestyle. Information + Correct Choices= Health. Harmful foods,Beneficial foods. Human need food throughout...

Monday, March 11, 2013

DANGER! Cartoon Porn Exposes Children To Incest, Child Porn And Beastiality!

  What is all this fuss about? The internet is a great tool for connecting people, doing research, buying and selling items as well as learning. However, it has a darker side, the internet is also used for hosting and sharing pornographic material. This should come as no supprise to anyone who has used the internet more than a couple of times as you often get linked to these sites. Did you know the pornography industry makes...