Thursday, January 31, 2013

Weekly lyrical Intepretation

Viva La Vida - Coldplay "I used to rule the worldSeas would rise when I gave the wordNow in the morning I sleep aloneSweep the streets I used to own" Talking of a ruler with immense command. Seas of people would rise at his command. This is contrasted with the fact that he has been displaced from ruling. (It's interesting that he sleeps in the morning.) Now he is a servant, or a beggar. "sweeping the streets." From riches to rags, from kingship to poverty. Numb - Linkin Park "Tired of being what you want me to beFeeling so faithless...


We have all heard of the jokes "mammy where did you first meet Dad?" "Facebook"..,its common on our era,online dating ..yes! lets agree it has been evolving since them days where computers had backbones(not flat screens),but it has quite picked allies right now. Its a common thing for Lucy to date James who is 1000 miles away being internet their middle man,While online dating is becoming more main stream there are still those who for...

Saturday, January 26, 2013


 "i love the way you die boy". its among the quotes that made me smile,i had to  pause the film,surely it caught me up on how a brother like him could pull such a stunt during the 1858 and soon i realized i was watching a movie. I hope am not that late enough to review "Django Unchained". Well Quentin Tarantino had to step on the different side this time cooking a pot that takes place during the slavery era,unchained takes place...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


May it be the Apple that Adam ate and the convincing power Eve had to manipulate his mind,is it a big reason why there is a lot of cheating in relationships? My friend Anita had to ask me a question that i clearly never had the answer to it at the spot and ended up saying "i don't know",She asked me why man Cheat? sincerely i was about to answer her rudely by forwarding back the message to her as to why women cheat"? but i swallowed...

Saturday, January 19, 2013


The late night calls,the hours we spend on Skype communicating to our loved ones that are quite 1000 miles away from us ,trying to make the relationships solid day by day and yet for some it works out and some end up sniveling. long-distance relationship is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a considerable distance, the distance might be due to work,studies,vacation and so may other inevitable...

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Peeling pants or that common word sagging has been a route of almost every youth ,may it be students or musicians or just that young man that  does his daily activities,almost every youth admire this style and yet they don't know the cornerstone. Sagging is a manner of wearing trousers (slacks, shorts, pants or jeans) below the waist, revealing much of the underwear. Sagging is predominantly a male fashion though we have also seen some...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I have always been looking of a better way to express my feelings on this coated matter,recently i got motivated after reading one of the posts and right then i decided to post my opinions.. For those living in my country are much aware on the above photo,common posters that we daily see at our front yards ,streets and even besides our offices. The posters depict the work of some traditional healers in Tanzania,they use different strategies to...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

MV LIEMBA..(the oldest babe in the world)

Every week its beautiful horn wakes me up,at least not every time i have to pass out my waking time.It might be a pollution to others but to me its that beautiful music produced by an old lady that has managed to leave over hundred years. This lady gets more strong despite the aging,at least many Germans have handled this lady and few Tanzanians have tried to caress her.. This exquisite baroness has many names ,she was titled Graf Goetzen...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Forget The Dictator, Here are the real 5 dictators

Sacha Baron Cohen's imagining of the world's most deluded dictator, but here's 5 real life dictators that are much worse than Admiral General Aladeen 1. Yahiya Jammeh – The Gambia His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya Abdul-Azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh, thinks HIV/AIDS can be cured by smoothies. The despot ruling Africa’s smallest nation visits hospitals in the Gambia and rubs patients with a mixture of bananas, herbs and spices...