

Saturday, October 27, 2012

7 Things The Public Do That Make DJs Want To Hang Themselves

Over the last ten years, I’ve been lucky enough to make the vast majority of my living as a club DJ. I stumbled into it entirely by accident and thank heavens I did, because I genuinely would’ve been on the scrapheap at 26 without it. It’s afforded me fabulous things – as well as feeding, sheltering and clothing me for so long, I’ve got to see some of the world through it, made some brilliant friends I would never have met, played to 15,000+ on a number of occasions (and to single figures far more times than I’d care to admit) and had more fun than I had any right to.
The employment benefits of being a DJ are immense. You tow up for work no earlier than 9pm, your getting drunk is positively encouraged (when I packed in drinking at work it was met with about the same degree of suspicion as if I’d turned up and suggested a bit of regicide), you can write music off as a genuine tax deductible expense, and without being cheesy, nothing will make you buzz like seeing a room full of people going crackpot to the tunes you play. Indeed, it is an honour.
In fact, there’s only one downer to this incredible job. It’s the thing that ruins most of the things we like.
The general public.
Don’t get me wrong, most of the general public are lovely. You know as well as I do, however, that a lot of the general public are a bunch of fools once they get a few Jagerbombs down them. And we have to deal with them generally being disgraceful, sozzled out of their minds, verbal tact filter turned down to zero. (A major fantasy of a lot of DJs is to get arse-over-teakettle pissed and wander into Asda on a Tuesday afternoon, just to bellow at the shelf stackers that they’re crap at their jobs, and that they’d sell miles more Corn Flakes if they put them next to the bread.) So, if you’re a member of the general public (and I know this doesn’t apply to YOU, but you might know someone this will aid) here’s a DJ’s advice onto how to get your request played in a nightclub, and without the DJ thinking you’re worse than Michael Barrymore.
You know as well as I do, however, that a lot of the general public are a bunch of fools once they get a few Jagerbombs down them
Remember what your parents taught you – manners cost nothing. 
Lack of manners is the single biggest bugbear we encounter. People coming up, bellowing in your lugs, calling you worse than rubbish and rudely demanding their request “NOW” or “NEXT!”. Do these people go into shops demanding twenty Lambert and Butler NOW!? Or barge straight into the doctor’s surgery with a cavalier disregard for the queuing system and request their athlete’s foot be dealt with that instant? Actually, they probably do, but hey. “PLAY IT NOW!” is the single most annoying thing we hear – if God had intended us to be jukeboxes, he’d have created us with pound coin slots in our foreheads. And although a bloke in Middlesbrough once tried to forcibly create one for me, it hasn’t happened yet.
Another thing – when was the last time that someone you told was rubbish did you a favour? Just a thought.
Listen to the music that’s being played in the club.
One of my best mates once walked into a mosh club, marched straight up the DJ box, and demanded ‘Real Gone Kid’ by Deacon Blue. He absolutely expected it to be played, because he’d asked for it. He was dead wrong. If we’re playing house, pop, metal, indie, whatever – chances are we’re going to stick with that for at least the time being. Cross genre mash ups only really work if the DJs you’re dancing to also have a band called Soulwax. For us mere mortals, it’s not much of an option.
If you want house music all night, go to a house club. Ditto every other genre. And if you’ve been forced into the club because it’s your mate/partner’s birthday, just take your medicine and don’t expect us to change the whole course of our established evening, just because you’ve been forced here through loyalty.
We’re playing to the crowd, and not just you and your two mates.
As much as most DJs would like to be playing out their coolest underground tracks, a lot of the time, we’re stuck having to play the top 40 and ‘Mr Brightside’ over and over and over again. (“Not being able to play what I wanted was enough to make me give it up for good” says my former DJ partner Ciaran Bain.) So you coming up and asking for some Dylan or Daft Punk rarity is wasting everyone’s time – no matter how brilliant the piece of music you’re asking for is.
Don’t brag to us about your own DJing prowess.
If you’re that good a DJ, why have you just paid good money to come and hear my efforts? Shouldn’t you be at work on a Saturday night if you’re a miles better DJ than me? And no, you can’t have a go on the decks, clear off.
Unless you’re Paul Gambaccini or Annie Mac, chances are the DJ knows more about music than you.
People generally get employed for their aptitude in a particular field. HGV drivers know about driving flaming great big trucks. Vets know about making lickle poorly animals all better. And DJs know how to spin a mean tune that’ll get a crowd going. Standing there telling us what will mix great into this tune, and what will “get everyone dancing”…..look, we know. All you’re succeeding in doing, boys (and it is always boys), is making yourself look like a 21st century version of Harry Enfield’s ‘you don’t wanna do that!’ bloke. With awful tattoos. Always such awful tattoos….
If you want house music all night, go to a house club. Ditto every other genre. And if you’ve been forced into the club because it’s your mate/partner’s birthday, just take your medicine
Shout outs are ‘orrible.
We don’t care if it’s your brother/mother/sister/friend’s birthday/stag do/getting out/coming out (delete as applicable) party – shout outs are total Camembert and they lower the tone. The best sign I ever saw in a nightclub read thus; “We don’t do shout outs. Don’t even ask. We’re not common and neither are you.” Genius.
Finally, don’t act like an idiot and we won’t treat you like an idiot.
Only last night I was playing a very big house tune, one with a massive build up and breakdown. At the breakdown, one voice hollered from the dancefloor, “‘Ow, DJ! Sort the no-tunes out!”. And then the tune kicked back in again. Well done, you goofball. You’ve ruined the breakdown and made yourself look like a goon.
Stupid questions are a favourite too. “What tunes have you got then?” “Er, I’ve got around five thousand different tracks with me.” “Can I have a look through them?” “No.” “What tunes then?” “What, you want me to list them? Alphabetically or chronologically?” “Yeah.” What can you possibly say to that? Not much. “Can you play something we can dance to?” is a no-no. Asking for the number one sound in the hit parade when the club has been open three minutes another. Think before you bother your  DJ chum.
It may seem churlish, all this moaning, but please, we’re only trying to make you have the best night that you can. Yes, as I said at the beginning, we’re recompensed in a fine fashion for what we do, but still I think there’s only DJs and comedians that get as much earache (literally in our case) in their attempt to make people happy. The big problem is music is so bloody subjective. One man’s ‘La Ritournelle’ is another man’s ‘Gangnam Style’. And, unless you’re Fearne Cotton or Zane Lowe, you can’t possibly claim to like every song in the world. I don’t like everything I play, so I don’t expect any one else to. This job is all about pleasing most of the people most of the time, so just let us get on with it and the majority of the time, we’ll all be smiling.



There have been a video going around in social medias about one of the Tanzanian deputy minister of education giving a presentation in english. Many people have criticized his english and the silly mistakes he made. What i want to say here is that we should mind our language if English is not our mother tongue. English is a world wide disease to many people.

Please take your three minutes to listen to this German politician giving a presentation in english and tell me if you understood anything..

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shaved is Sexier

I am a HUGE fan of the female physique stereotype created by Matel’s Barbie. It taught that women should have long legs, perky breasts, a slender frame and long flowing silky hair. When I was growing up there was no room on the playground for ‘Curvy Barbie”. Not very many people realize however that the advertising gimmicks worked better on boys than it did girls. The “perfect body” is something men are trained to look for in women from a very young age. Most of my previous relationships, save one, have been with women who fit this paradigm. This is not to say I find anything wrong with full bodied beauties, it’s just what I prefer.
Hey! Don't Judge Me! Parents BUY their children these things. And
I dare you you to go to any department stores and find curvy manikins.

I don’t like having paradigm shifts because they freak me out. Lately I find myself absolutely intoxicated by short haired curvy women. Interestingly I see more and more women I know who once had shoulder length manes of glory cutting them off and adopting shorter hairstyles. It works! The hair was distracting me from noticing the ocular benefits of curves. Of late whenever a female friend complains about her hair, my first shot of advice is “Go bold and go bald!”
I was worried that I may be developing a new fetish, because I have too many as it is, so I consulted a professional. According to my drinking buddy The Therapist, men will react to any attractive display by women because it triggers our primal need to… well, you know. So the cutting of the hair is not only new and exciting, but it gives the woman a certain confidence which makes her more appealing. But he was saying all this with a glass of scotch in his hand so his authority is debatable.
The way I see it, the women of Nairobi have been regaining their physical confidence in steps. First, the cleavage barrage was unleashed. Women all over the city began to show a tease of their breasts while wearing everything from business suits to Sunday sundresses. Then, skinny jeans and stretch pants were tossed out in favor of leg revealing skirts matched up with shoes called “gladiators”, which have the optical illusion of making their legs look slender. But the latest in female fashion trends has me saying “Yes, Ma’am!” More and more women are experimenting with short hair.
Even a long hair fan like me must admit the benefits of short hair. First of all it is visibly clean (or filthy). Honestly, I have always found this female thing about washing hair once every two weeks to be sanitary gambling. Even my little sister used to give her dolls baths regularly. In addition, it is less of a distraction when evaluating facial features and physique. Third, I know people think the “bed hair” look is sexy but these people have never gone in for a kiss and got a mouth full of hair instead. Finally, with short hair time management is ALSO coming back into fashion. Not only are once four hour hair appointments now as short as twenty minutes in a barber’s chair, but as far as I can tell, women with short hair spend less time “getting ready”. This means getting to places ON TIME. I have missed the first fifteen minutes of many movies because of, “Let me just fix my hair”. The verdict is in ladies, short hair is IN and long hair is OUT. Make an appointment with your barber today. Those of you worried about having a large head should consult Rihanna posters.

by Andrew Onyango

Monday, October 22, 2012


James Patterson’s novels provide me with fluffy fodder for summer reading. I particularly like his Ladies Murder Clubmysteries and I have read several from the Alex Cross series, but much prefer Patterson’s female protagonists. Director Rob Cohen’s new film Alex Cross, starring Tyler Perry, Matthew Fox, Edward Burns, Rachel Nichols, and Cicely Tyson, however isn’t based on any Patterson novel really, but rather on previous films highlighting the Cross character.  Still, the movie’s problems go far beyond source material. Asinine dialogue, poor direction and a predictable and lackluster plot simply can’t be saved by a decent cast and flashy special effects.
Perhaps a notable problem with Alex Cross, lies in the fact that Perry plays a younger version of the character originally portrayed by the masterful Morgan Freeman (In Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider), who is a difficult act to follow by any performer and Perry simply doesn’t have the acting chops. In fairness, Perry does give an adequate enough execution, but nothing more and frankly, scriptwriters Marc Moss and Kerry Williamson give him and the balance of the cast little with which to work. In fact, the dialogue is the worst part of the film.
We meet this young Cross, his partners and his family and soon discover that he harbors mad Sherlock Holmes level deduction skills. As a special detective/criminal psychologist, Cross’ keen knack for noticing details make him an asset to a case involving serial killer/hit man Picasso (a scary, gaunt Fox), who soon after his first sadistic murder, and near miss with Cross and team, makes it personal. While I am on the subject, Fox, possibly the best thing about the film, plays a hyper-creepy, wild-eyed killer with unsettling ease, even if he plays the character so big it comes across cartoon-like. I hardly recognized him as the handsome, hunky doctor Jack from Lost. Tyson throws herself passionately into the role of Cross’s no-holds-barred mother (Mama Nana), but Burns seems to simply go through the motions of his character, Detective Tommy Kane, Cross’s partner and best friend.
Cohen allows the plot to poke along without enough flash or substance, in spite of a few decently paced, semi-exciting action sequences. Efforts in character clashes garner more guffaws and groans from the audience than cheers. Moss and Williamson’s transparent story never surprises and the killing off characters right and left (spoiler – it doesn’t pay to be female in Alex Cross), does little to enhance excitement. Too much of the film relies on Master-Sleuth Cross, who makes a grave and uncharacteristic mistake in deduction, turning the hit man’s wrath on the team, and Perry can’t carry the weight, even if the others can. Laughably, SCRUBS veteran and funny man, John C McGinley (Captain Richard Brookwell), could not have been more wrongly cast. Chuckles came from the audience every time he delivered a line – his portrayal hardly different than that of Dr. Perry Cox. Jean Reno, too, falls flat, as a corporate baddy with a secret agenda. He looks pinched and uncomfortable throughout.
Ultimately, the plodding, formulaic, PG-13 rated serial thriller falters on far too many levels to garner much praise. The finale, while I was glad for it, is about as dim-witted as they come, even if it lamely answered the film’s pressing question – who hired the hit man? Truthfully, no one cares. I am placing an F in my grade book. Sure I’ve seen worse, but only just and I can always use titles for my Worst Of lists.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


1Taken 2 (2012)$21.9M$86.1M2
2Argo (2012)$19.5M$19.5M1
3Sinister (2012)$18M$18M1
4Hotel Transylvania (2012)$17.2M$102M3
5Here Comes the Boom (2012)$11.8M$11.8M1
6Pitch Perfect (2012)$9.27M$36M3
7Frankenweenie (2012)$7.05M$22.1M2
8Looper (2012)$6.2M$51.3M3
9Seven Psychopaths (2012)$4.17M$4.17M1
10The Perks of Being a Wallflower(2012)$2.15M$6.14M4






Friday, October 19, 2012


I believe everything starts from small and goes to big ,America started from the scratch until now among the Worlds most powerful continent ,same implies to China and almost every country..Things have stories and so people do ,i remember from wearing a diaper to pants as i kept on growing dressed to more stylish trousers.
I and my comrade had a conversation about Disco , much i know about Disco is during 1960's it tried penetrating but getting high attention during the late 1970's ,its initial audience being African American ,Gays ,  Latino and psychedelic communities in New York city and Philadelphia ...
Disco grew up day to day ,getting more attention and fans..
In my country Tanzania also implies almost the same ,but what differ is we have different type of Disco's , all are given different names.
We have the normal Disco whereas people go to clubs and have the fun under the Disco lights and the smoke machine ,good music played by the Deejay, very common Disco worldwide .

Let me set this for you ,not common in other places ,two types of Discos that will leave you amused are "Disco Vumbi" and "Disco Malapa"  .

Definitely this only happens in Africa ,Disco Vumbi as it is named in my country , the word "vumbi" stands for Dust ,"malapa" stands for plastic bathing slippers ,now i think you are getting what am trying to say ,this Disco's can be conducted at any venue but mostly outside ,a place with lots of Dusts , there is no dress code on this events , the type of Drinks sold at the bar are mostly abominable and the entrance fee is stated free of charge.
Type of atrocious Drinks sold are.

  • Gongo (very dangerous cognac )
  • Komoni
  • Mbege
  • Mnazi
  • Pingu ( one sip and you shit on yourself )
  • Bimbwi and many more traditional atrocious Drinks
The Genre Music played here are,

  • Midundiko ( more drums on the beat)
  • Segere (a form of Taarab genre from the coast)
  • KIduku 
  • Sebene (Rhumba)
  • Bolingo (congolese style)  
Dress Code.
  • Slippers or bare foot 
  • Msuli (a sheet that men wear around the waist)
  • Khanga
  • Vest
  • Bennie hats e.t.c
Man Dancing Kibwebwe style,dressed in a green towel and slippers .

Disco Vumbi funs ,no PG during Disco Vumbi

One of the tycoon at the Disco vumbi dancing nibebe style..
Watch the following video ,it shows how this Disco's are ,get a clear footage of Disco Malapa and Vumbi,enjoy..

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

AMANDA TODD (Suicide review) R.I.P

File:Amanda Todd - 01.jpg
I personally hate bullies ,i can not describe the sympathy i have for this girl..i got shocked after hearing what happened ,i tried to follow her story step by step and much to tell you is i cant really describe the emotions i have for this young girl.Every morning i open her Facebook page i feel terribly bad,thinking what if it could have been my sister..
Here is her story...

Amanda Michelle Todd (died October 10, 2012) was a 15-year-old Canadian teenager who committed suicide attributed to cyber-bullying through the social networking website Facebook. On 7 September 2012, Todd posted a video on YouTube in which she used a series of flash cards to tell of her experience of being blackmailed, bullied, and physically assaulted. In it she mentions sending an image of her breasts to a man who later circulated it around the internet.
Shortly before 6:00 pm on October 10, 2012, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were called to her home in Port Coquitlam, to investigate what they refer to as a "sudden death". They have since launched a full investigation into Todd's death. Police are conducting interviews, reviewing content at social media sites, and are actively monitoring pages.
Christy Clark, the Premier of British Columbia, made an online statement of condolence suggesting a national discussion be made discussing criminalizing cyber-bullying.
Todd was a 10th-grade student at CABE Secondary in Coquitlam.

Background and suicide

On 7 September 2012, Todd posted a 9-minute YouTube video entitled My Story: Struggling, bullying, suicide and self harm, in which she used a series of flash cards to tell of her experience of being bullied. The video post went viral, receiving over 1,600,000 views by 13 October 2012, with online newspapers around the world linking to it.
During the video Todd says that, during seventh grade, she used video chat to meet new people over the internet, where she received compliments on her looks. A stranger convinced Todd to bare her breasts on camera. The individual later blackmailed her with threats to expose the topless photo to her friends unless she gave a "show".
Todd says that police informed her, during the next Christmas break, that the photo was circulating the internet. The news caused her to experience anxiety, major depression and panic disorder. Her family moved home, but she began to take drugs and alcohol. Her anxiety worsened and she couldn't leave the house.
A year later the individual reappeared, creating a Facebook profile with the topless photograph as the profile image. Again Todd was teased, and eventually changed school for a second time. Happier, she says she began chatting to "an old guy friend" who appeared to like her. The friend asked Todd to come to his house, where they had sex, whilst his girlfriend was on holiday. The following week the girlfriend and a group of others attacked Todd at school; shouting insults and punching her to the ground. Following the incident Todd attempted suicide by drinking bleach, but was rushed to hospital to have her stomach pumped.
After returning home Todd discovered abusive messages about the incident posted to Facebook. Her family moved to another city to start afresh, but Todd was unable to escape the past. Six months later further messages and abuse were still being posted to social networking sites. She began cutting herself and her anxiety was getting worse. Despite taking anti-depressants and receiving counselling, she took an overdose and spent two days in hospital.
On October 10 at about 6:00 PM local time, Todd was found dead at her home.


A preliminary investigation by B.C. Coroners Service show that Todd's death was a suicide. Investigators know the means by which she died, but will not release the information.
Both the RCMP and B.C. Coroners Service have launched an investigation with 20 full-time investigators working on the case. The Coquitlam and Ridge Meadows' serious crime teams are cooperating in a full investigation, conducting interviews and examining possible potential factors that may have contributed to her death.
Investigators are reviewing content at social media sites, and are actively monitoring pages.


Todd's suicide received widespread, international media coverage, many of which including a video link to the YouTube message, and an email address provided by the RCMP appealing for information from the public. Within 24 hours of the appeal, over 400 tips were received.

Social media

On October 13, 2012, the term R.I.P Amanda Todd began trending worldwide on social networking site Twitter. Since the posting of the YouTube video, more than 900,000 Facebook users had "liked" Todd’s Facebook memorial page. Among the positive support and comments were continuing attack posts and images by strangers and former classmates, one being from someone identifying herself as a former classmate posting "I’m so happy she’s dead now." On 15 October 2012, her message was featured on YouTube's homepage.

Amanda Todd Trust

Todd's mother, Carol, has established the Amanda Todd Trust at the Royal Bank of Canada, receiving donations to support anti-bullying awareness education, and support programs for young people with mental health problems.

Parliamentary motion

In response to the death of Todd, a motion will be introduced in the Canadian House of Commons by member of parliament Dany Morin of the New Democratic Party. The motion will propose a study of the scope of bullying in Canada, and for more funding and support for anti-bullying organizations. It is also intended to lay the groundwork for a national strategy to prevent bullying.Morin had also experienced bullying while in school.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Going back to the Slave Market in Zanzibar

A replica of the slaves awaiting sale at the Slave Market. Below the Anglican Church near the Slave Market.

Zanzibar is one beautiful place worth visiting any time of the year. First, because it is a beach town and then it has quite a number of fascinating things for a visitor to see and do. One of the towns in Zanzibar, which is by the way a semi-independent state, is Stone Town, where you come face to face with history.
A date with history
The buildings are a great number of years old and having been one of the entry points for the slave traders, you might consider stopping by at the Old Slave Market, where the market still stands side by side with the Anglican Cathedral Church of Christ.
Tourists take a solemn moment to remember the tortuous experience the slaves went through as they travelled from different parts of Africa and beyond, to be sold for little money and forced to labour in homes and farms of the wealthier citizens of the world.
During history classes, we were told of the dehumanising way the slaves were treated, as they were whipped and given little food and water on the journeys to the West.
Our guide mentions Tippu Tip as one of the prominent traders of the slave trade era. He explains that caravans started out from Bagamoyo on the mainland coast, travelling as far as 1,000 miles on foot to Lake Tanganyika, buying slaves from local rulers on the way, or, more cheaply, simply capturing them. In the compound of the slave market, representational figures of slaves are seen chained together.
A painful past
The guide says this is how slaves were sold to potential buyers, at this spot which retains the name of the Old Slave Market. When a slave fit the specifications of what a buyer was looking for, they would buy and own them.
This memorabilia of clasped slaves was constructed about 14 years ago (in 1998) though care was taken to use the original chains that were actually used on slaves in 1800. The slaves were shipped to this town in dhows from the mainland. Dhows were sailing vessels used by Arabs on the East African, Arabian, and Indian coasts, generally lateen-rigged on two or three masts.
The slaves were lined up in order of size at this market, tied to a tree and whipped as a way of finding out how manly and strong they were. And it was a painful test they underwent for if one wept then they would be considered weak, and fetch a lower price. So they were lined up from the smallest to the tallest and walked through the market, whilst their owner announced their price.
Prospective buyers had the liberty to inspect the physique, mouth, teeth and eyes of the slaves. But before they got exposed for this test they were kept down under, in the grimy slave chambers, where they were kept clasped in strong metallic chains which, still lie on what should have been sitting facilities for the slaves.
At the site’s noticeboard, in the compound is a writing: “During the slave trade, these two underground rooms were used to keep slaves, before being taken to the market for auctioning. “Originally, they were 15 chambers accessible but only two are accessible today. A small hut was on top and there was a big hole used as an entrance to the slave chambers. Slaves were kept in conditions so bad, so many died of suffocation and starvation. The amount was terrible,” the literature reads in part.
The larger chamber, according to the guide, would take in up to 80 slaves, while the smaller one accomodated 50. It is not as dark as the purpose for which they were built. There are three windows that let in light- two having been built for tourists’ viewing otherwise, it was only one window serving the slave chambers.
In these chambers are bitter memories from the past. Heat leaves you feeling like you are in sauna and under your feet, channels through which excrement would be cleared. But slave masters were wise and knew how to carry out slave trade.According to history, sometimes, they identified a potentially strong slave who they were sure would fetch them good money. So they would clean them and take them to the market in the late afternoon.
Historical literature further shows that men and boys had their skins oiled and females were dressed in nice clothes, sometimes even adorned with necklaces and bracelets.
That was years before Dr David Livingstone’s efforts to abolish this inhumane trade, which incidentally had been legalised, paid off. Through the church, there are two slave chambers which were classified according to gender, the large one for women and children and the smaller one for the men.
Even then, they were mischievous traders who, during the reign of the Omani Arabs in the early 19th century, would capture slaves already sold to the mainland and resell them at markets like the one in Stone Town.
But all this ended in 1873, when the slave market was closed by Sultan Barghash after missionaries bought the site and decided to build the Cathedral Church of Christ. Entrance to the site is $3 (approximately Shs75,00) and just adjacent to this historical site stands a modern day St Monica

The good guy does not always get the girl

The good guy always gets the girl in the end. I totally disagree, considering how many girls have ended up with guys that cannot even remotely be called good, yet they had the opportunity to choose a good guy over a bad one.
But, this depends on one’s definition of who is good, and who is bad. Let’s not complicate things; a bad guy doesn’t value, respect and treat his woman the way she would want to be treated. a god guy on the other hand, is considerate and thoughtful about his woman, and aspires to keep her contented.
From what I have heard, the species of “good guys” became extinct sometime in the 15th century, so now all there is left are the bad guys. No wonder all the good girls end up with the bad guys.
Jack, or Jack Daniels, like he preferred to be called was the pure personification of badness. He seemed to be mean from the core, like he had a meanness eating him from the inside and he couldn’t contain it, and had to share it, especially with those who didn’t deserve it. Jack Daniel didn’t get a nice girl, he probably got the nicest of them all.
Linda was three years older than I am, and by all aspects, she was out of my league. She was smart, she was beautiful, she was like a mother to everyone around her. I had the undoubtedly largest crush, in the history of crushes, on her. And she knew about it. Just like she must have known about how every guy who laid eyes on her was forever hooked.
But that didn’t spoil the warmth of her heart, or how she treated us, her fan base. She believed she was plain ordinary, and never used her gifts of male attraction for ulterior purposes.
For eight years, I was neighbours with her, and she grew up into a wholesome woman. My crush evolved into a caring thing for her, and at some point, I even asked some man who was hitting on her to take a hike because she was totally out of his league.
I envisioned her getting this fine accomplished young man, caring and kind, the stuff in romantic books. And even though I am a realist most of the time, for this girl, I desperately believed it could happen because she deserved it.
Then along came Jack Daniels. I didn’t like him from the moment I saw him, and he didn’t even bother to warm up to me. He knew me and Linda were close, but that didn’t change anything. I have no idea how they even met, but one day, he was there and she was introducing him to me.
I told her I didn’t like him, as though I was in position to choose her men for her. But then, no one else liked him either; her sisters, her friends, even her mother. She stopped seeing him, and we were all happy, for a while.
Then, with a bang, he came back. And this time he didn’t seem to be going anywhere. Linda once told me that she loved the guy, she kept finding herself going back to him, even when he treated her like dirt.
Then he got her pregnant. And he surprised us and married her. Today, six years later, she is still the same nice woman, and he is the same mean guy. But he has her now, when he didn’t deserve to even know her. Isn’t that the definition of life? Expect the worst?

SINGITA GRUMETI..(The world Best Hotel in Tanzania)

My cousin was a bit not aware that the best world hotel is in Tanzania ,for those who were not aware and never been to Singita Grumeti Resort this is high time you get a closer look and ask yourself why did Brad and Angeline Jollie choose such a place for their wedding...







Travel + Leisure just declared Singita Grumeti Reserves in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park to be the best hotel in the world. It received a score of 98.44 out of 100 on a list based on reader surveys. The hotel, which is made up of two lodges and a tent camp, offers unparalleled luxury in the thick of the wild. It is located on the migratory route traversed annually by more than a million wildebeest, providing guests with incredible photo opportunities from their bedroom windows. Despite its remote location, Singita’s guests are treated to five-star service and accommodations. Rooms in the tents and villas start at around $1,095 per person per night; rates include daily game drives, food, and drink

Monday, October 15, 2012

MALE CIRCUMCISION IN TANZANIA..(problem in some regions)

AIDS well known as killer disease ,perhaps counted as among the deadliest disease ,there many ways in which AIDS can be transmitted ,having unsafe sex is one of the popular way but one that was quite forgotten in my country was male circumcision.Yes we do have some communities in my country that forbid male circumcision , illiterate i would say ,one refusing to get circumcised.
A research that was lately conducted  states 67 % of males in the country are circumcised and the remaining are not ,in some parts of western Tanzania this is where the problem lies , awareness here can be low to 20 %.   Regions that have low awareness of circumcision are Iringa,Mara,Kagera ,Mwanza ,Rukwa ,Shinyanga,and Tabora .
If you aim at getting war go to some villages in the mentioned regions and try talking to them about circumcision ,few will understand since this is a veg topic among the villagers .
Fact that this villagers don't know is male circumcision reduces mans risks of getting infected with HIV .
Tanzania needs to circumcise  1,373,271 men in order to achieve 80%  prevalence ,which would potentially avert 200,000 new HIV infections within 5 years.
All this awareness i done by the help of the US Embassy ,the below is the press release by the Embassy earlier on April.

Tabora Regional Administration recently launched the expansion of free voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services and campaign in six health facilities across the region in one of its efforts to prevent the spread of HIV in the region. This free program is sponsored by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as part of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). 

The three-week campaign designed to launch the expansion of services in Tabora is called—‘Maisha ni Sasa: Kuwa Msafi, Pata Kinga, Wahi Tohara,” which means "Your Future is Now: Get Clean, Get Protected, Go for Circumcision." The program aims to reach 5,000 men over 20 years of age, and will provide free voluntary medical male circumcision services at the Kitete Regional Hospital and Tumbi Health Center in Tabora Municipality; Nzega District Hospital and Ndala Hospital in Nzega District; and at the Igunga District Hospital and Igurubi Health Center in Igunga District. 

At the six health facilities, high quality VMMC services are provided by a specially trained and highly experienced regional health team working in a safe and sterile environment. Prior to the procedure, clients receive education about male circumcision, counseling and HIV testing services, screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), risk reduction counseling, and guidance on condom use. 

The program is implemented by Johns Hopkins University-affiliate Jhpiego. Since 2011, with funding from the American people and technical support from the Jhpiego program, the regional administration in Tabora has been offering free medical male circumcisions at Kitete Regional Hospital. The launch of this campaign marks the beginning of an expansion of VMMC services across the region, with the goal of reaching more than 310,000 men in Tabora by 2015. 

Dr. George Msalale, Tabora Region AIDS Coordinator expressed appreciation "to the Tabora Multisectoral AIDS Committee for including VMMC as one of its HIV prevention strategies, and the American people through USAID for strengthening this program in the region. One year ago we started with one facility and have strengthened the excellence of VMMC services at Kitete Hospital." 

One patient noted, “I am very happy to have received this service today. I am clean now, and protected. I have been planning to go for male circumcision for some time but I could not afford the cost. I also didn’t know that it helps reduce the risk for HIV infection as well as sexually transmitted infections." 

At 6 percent, the HIV prevalence in Tabora is almost similar to the national average. However, unlike other parts of the country, only 40 percent of men in this region are circumcised. Research has shown that circumcision is an effective HIV-prevention strategy, reducing a man’s risk of acquiring HIV by approximately 60 percent. When used in combination with other HIV prevention measures, including condoms, partner reduction and abstinence, circumcision is an important addition to men’s HIV-prevention options. In addition to lowering the risk of becoming infected with HIV, male circumcision can improve hygiene, reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and lowers the risk of penile cancer in men and cervical cancer among female partners. 

In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed male circumcision as an effective HIV prevention strategy and Tanzania is currently rolling out a five year program titled "National Strategy for Scaling up Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention" with a goal to circumcise at least 2.8 million adolescents and men countrywide by 2015. Tabora is among eight priority regions selected for the first phase of implementation; others are Iringa, Mbeya, Shinyanga, Rukwa, Mwanza, Kagera and Mara.