Sunday, September 30, 2012


I have only lived for two decades till now..hoping and praying to live more decades..but sometimes i really wish i was a kid again..i love kids and i surely loved the moments..i will take my time to explain to you why i really wish i had a time machine that would take me back to kid atleast for a week. being a kid i can play football bare feet and without being shy that girls would laugh at me. i can be John Cena at anytime i want,fighting...

Lloyd Cele - Cover / PR Shoot

LLOYD CELE        Lloyd Cele the runner up to Idols 2011 and SAMA award winning musician from South Africa.. Styling by Rozanne Whyte. Shot on Location at MODA (Maboneng District, Johannesburg)               c.saunders &nbs...

Friday, September 28, 2012


Thinking back on Judge Dredd, starring Sylvester Stallone, I remember getting a pretty good kick out of the film. No one can pull off the kind of dramatic campiness that Stallone can and since I don’t know a thing about the comic book on which it is based, Stallone’s film is my only baseline for Dredd 3D, starring Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby. Like its predecessor, Dredd 3D has an extremely limited story. In fact, screenwriter Alex Garland’s...


There things i consider to be highly private affairs , i hate it when am at a perfect restaurant trying to speak a food language and somebody stares at me.Eating is among my private affair thing.. Am well known of loving fish ,as i am on tour in a small town called Kigoma which happens to be my hometown too ,i was introduced to a fish called Mgebuka.. I had to go down to the lake and get my own Migebuka yesterday ,trying to prepare this tasty fish...


I am not a huge fan of talking and drinking at the same time. This is because the talking distracts me from the drinking. Forgive me for assuming a cocktail party is a celebration of drinking. I cannot be held responsible for this fallacy seeing as a “cocktail” by definition is a mixture of multiple drinks to create a “super drink” which can only be enjoyed once in a while. Cocktail parties are more about the drinks than they are about the people...

Recreational heaven at Kenyan safari resort

If you are the kind who only visits the nice places around Nairobi and thus conclude that Kenya has very nice places for holiday, you need to travel to the outskirts of this East African country. You will be left agape with the various exquisite places. Nanyuki, found in the central part of Kenya is one of such places. Located approximately 250 kilometres from Nairobi city, most of the journey will...

Butchering your child in the name of punishment

It’s a staple food for most news bulletins in our country and the cruelty that’s meted out to these children that make up these bulletins is such a shock to many of us. News bulletins on either ITV or TBC cannot be complete without a news segment of a child having been abused by a parent or relative.  The child has either been canned to deformity, burnt by candle wax, locked up in the chicken...

The Gorilla: Man’s closest cousin, who is on the verge of extinction

  Amazing gorilla facts1. Gorillas are the largest living primates - the family of animals that includes monkeys, apes and humans. A mature male gorilla can be over 6 feet tall and weigh 300 to 500 pounds (136Kgs - 226Kgs). He can spread his arms eight feet across and is as strong as four to eight strong men. Adult female gorillas are about half the size of the males. 2. Like humans, gorillas...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Stop jumping the queue

My friend and church-mate, Daniel, hates queues. I am sure we all do. Standing in a line of many people that is long and being attended to rather slowly is no one’s favourite pastime. So what Daniel does is go early in the morning to wherever it may be, the bank, clinic or wherever else. He is one of the first attended to and he is done with what he wants in a matter of minutes. I wish everyone who hated queues so much did as Daniel did....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kakakuona.......... The Foretell the future

Its believed that "Kakakuona" also known as Pangolin, fall down to the earth from the Sky. Unfortunately for us, Pangolins are largely nocturnal, snuffling about under cover of darkness, and as a result, little seen. Such elusiveness, and such an extraordinary appearance have given the pangolin a long history in African and Asian folklore and witchcraft. Burning the scales is said to help keep lions away, while burying one outside your lover’s ...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Where too see Nature 1n 2012

The Serengeti: Tanzania The Serengeti, Tanzania's pride and joy and most notably the grand stage for the Wildebeest migration, considered by many to be the greatest free show on earth! For those visiting the Serengeti, the neighbouring Ngorongoro Crater is also a popular add on safari as is Lake Manyara, Tarangire and Selous reserves as well as various other habitats which only complement the outstanding beauty of Tanzania. The Wildebeest...

A Pangani View


Mwadui: The Diamond Town

  Situated south of the city Mwanza, is Mwadui, a humble little town accommodating the workers of Mwadui mine, also known as the Williamson Diamond Mine - the first significant diamond mine in Africa outside of South Africa. The mine has been established in 1940 by Dr. John Williamson, a Canadian geologist.                          ...

Nataka Wali Marage

  This dish is based on typical East African flavors, but can easily be adapted to use the produce where you live. For instance, carrots are not typical of this dish in Tanzania, but make a regular appearance on our dinner table. Tanzanian meals are quite seasonal and based on the vegetables found in the markets each day. Peppers, onions, chilli peppers, greens, and sweet potatoes are common. Beans and lentils are staples. Rice dishes...

The Richest People In Tanzania

Who are the richest people in Tanzania? Or who are the wealthiest people in the republic of Tanzania? Are some of the many questions asked by the people of Tanzania who want to know the kind of wealth, amount of money and other resources their countrymen and women own. There are indeed a lot of wealthy people in Tanzania and this article is all about putting into perspective and knowing them. Below is a listing of some of the richest people...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Top five ways to use a life properly

The thriving, robust economy is to blame for all the new buildings that are reaching for the sky. With high-rising buildings come lifts. At least most times. A friend of mine told me she was off to a meeting on the ninth floor of a building without a lift. I haven’t heard from her since then (that was a week ago) so she’s either still climbing the stairs or she set-up camp halfway to the top and is waiting for sunset to continue the journey. For those of you who go to buildings with functional lifts, here is lift etiquette picked from a...

LIVING AND LOVING IT: You get what you ask for

Good customer service is almost non existent in this country. I know that is an old song but fresh experiences just keep making me wonder when the tide will change. A few weekends ago, I was helping out at a wedding, being in charge of the bride and her entourage and all that. We were at the salon and an hour before we could head to church, we decided to get snacks for our rather large team. There was a...

10 Year Old Boy exchages letters with Obama

 If there is any head of State many Ugandans would wish to meet, that would be US President Barack Obama. Ten-year-old Christopher Kule, a primary four pupil at Rwentutu Christian Primary school in Kasese District has the same dream and while he has not yet met the President, you could say he is a step ahead of the rest. This is because Kule received a letter from White House, after having written to the American President. The soft-spoken...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Food For Thought

 Things are getting harder in my country, with the current account deficit jumping to $4.13 billion from $2.46 billion in the year ago period. Politicians are yip yapping nonsense, trying to blind the people.  Both the opposition and the ruling party make no sense at all. They pretend to argue in the parliament, yet later they meet in a pub and drink to their own success. Imperialist on the door waiting to tap our newly discovered potential...

Africa Photo Essay

1. A Fruit Seller 2. Lakeside Kids 3. Sands of time 4. Spice Island 5. Bandit Highway ...

It's ok to make mistakes

An old man was seated with his favorite grandson under a mango tree chatting. He shared tales of travelling hundreds of miles with cattle looking for water. He talked of covering the same hundreds of miles to trade in salt, paraffin and other merchandise. Being a great story teller, he transfixed the young man who now forgot about going out to play his old soccer ball made out of banana fibres....

"Made in China"

The term 'Made in China' has become synonymous with fake products over the years. But this is a prejudice that needs to change.  This myth dates back to the time when Europe and other markets were overrun by the first wave of consumer electronics from China that started in the early 90’s—very cheap devices in plain plastic bodies that very often had famous brand names on them. You should always draw a line between Chinese products manufactured...

Hot Spots in Mombasa

1. Casaurina This European-owned nightclub is about 20km north of Mombasa City in Mtwapa, a small, expat-infested community obsessed with partying and drinking beers at all hours of the day. Casaurina is just as packed on a Tuesday night as a Saturday. Get a table in the raised section on the left side of the club. Here the tables are tall enough that you won’t knock them with your knees — and spill everyone’s drinks — whenever you sit down,...

Lake Manyara-"Emanyara......"

Lake Manyara is a shallow Lake in the Natron-Manyara-Balangida branch of the East African Rift Valley in Tanzania, it is also the home of a diverse set of landscapes and wildlife. The name Manyara comes from the Maasai word "emanyara", which is a euphorbia species of plant that is grown into a hedge around a family homestead. The name "is a Masai description not for the lake, but in general for a lake shore region". Of the 127 square miles (329 km2)...