Friday, August 31, 2012


  What is real? What is recall? These are the questions the trailer asks us as we journey through the puzzles in this supposed psychological action film. Total Recall is a remake of the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger film of the same name. It centers around a man who find himself bored with life and wanting to fill a piece of himself that he thinks is missing, he just doesn’t know what it is yet. Once strapped into a chair at an organization...


They don't mean harm to us ,they are just the same as us,why would we segregate them,who knows what is going to happen tomorrow?They don't deserve all this segregation. We live with this people,some are friends and family ,but what measures do we take in helping them.        The video above explains more.. ...


A crime i tell you ,perhaps i should arrest them for it ,how could they be this wanted and pretend like they don't care ...Heeey you wake up and not be bias i tell you.. I managed to visit a nearby country just because of one thing, Chicken.. Stupid right? Hell just cant conclude that way , its not just a chicken i tell you its KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken.) My Salivary glands are over working now , mmmhh look at that weird granny on the...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Am well known of managing different brands in East Africa ,expertise in Marketing field .I have tried using various methods to reach my marketing goals and as far i have reached cant complain my clients are well aware of what i do and my boss appreciates. what scares me is i have a new method that i think it will sell everything that i will market in a speed of light ,but how do i present it at my boss table.Will he think am a retard or this time...

Important Swahili Words

 Swahili is widely spoken language in East Africa. Here are some few basic Swahili words you should know when traveling to East Africa.   Jambo – “Hello!” A friendly “Jambo” goes a long way. Habari – Also “Hello / Good Morning.” Use this one when speaking with older people. Nzuri – “Beautiful / Good / Nice / I am fine.” Shikamo – Literally “I hold your feet.” This greeting is for your elders. Young children will often mutter Shikamo...

We Should Worry About Ebola

 Recently am checking on the news and i see these satirical article about a thief who stole a phone in a quarantined Ebola ward in Uganda. The thief got away with the phone and the the deadly contagious diseases. So he now has to fight the police and the deadly Ebola virus.  The Western media is busy contemplating why didn't the thief acknowledge the "quarantine" sign, without realizing how most people down here can't understand what the...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


  Is it a masterpiece of cinema or anything close to that? Hell no. Is it at least an extremely fun summer action flick that far supersedes the original? Well you bet your ass it is! The Expendables 2 is everything that the first film should’ve been, and that’s thanks to great direction by Simon West, action scenes that are actually comprehensible, witty one-liners, a great cast, and a very high fun factor. If you’re an action movie...


God created things on purpose,am quit sure about that,he created a woman and gave her all that was possible to make her complete,i respect all women ,doesn't matter she is a retard or a prostitute because i know what they are capable of.I tell you women are the strongest things i have seen on earth,i don't mean muscular . Every man you see roaming around or successful in some kind came from a women,i don't think on earth lives a person who was just...


Hahahahah i love the above image,i always annoy my sister when i show it to her,she is a pain i tell you,she owns a iphone that makes her go around bragging much ,i own my Android . If i were to ask most of you between apple and Android what do you prefer most of you would answer that bitten apple. I so far don't hate Apple products ,but i think the late nerd  was selfish at some point ,(if only you have used apple you can understand). Last...

Monday, August 27, 2012


Tarangire National Park is a national park in Tanzania. Tarangire National Park is the sixth largest national park in Tanzania after Ruaha, Serengeti, Mikumi, Katavi and Mkomazi. The name of the park originates from the Tarangire river that crosses through the park, being the only source of water for wild animals during dry seasons. During the dry season thousands of animals migrate to the Tarangire National Park from Manyara. It lies a little...


This weekend me and my lads had much fun,we attended a cheese and wine party .Am well known by my lads that i love cheese. The event was organized by I.G.M consulting services under our beautiful lady Esther Lawrence,what a hard working women with full of enthusiasm.The event was proudly sponsored by Tanzania Distilleries and OMASI co. The event was exquisite and one of a kind ,every one was enjoying to the fullest,Thanks to the Tanzania Distillers...

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I really never knew him,but all i used to hear is his famous name Matonya ,i was touched by his death..I hate sarcastic people and this is what i think was going on. Introduction Matonya was an old man that used to sit beside the road and beg for help,He was and still the most famous Beggar in Tanzania,every one knew him at some point , the government used to talk of him.He used to make 50,000 /100,000/= Tshs ($95) per month begging .He started begging...

Friday, August 24, 2012


Nobody knows it better ,it can drown your sorrow ,make you feel useless and lost ,surely none can be a commando on this ,whether you are muscular like Rambo or skinny like smokey its so hard to know it.Even the big pretenders on TV screens loose their flamboyance on this.L.O.V.E. Yes love,i know how pervert you can get when seeing the word love.. If we were able to question love that how many times have you made people cry ? am sure it would answer...


I wasn't planning to write anything anytime soon about parenting there was something that got me, got deep under my skin. There are times when I try to rationalize why some parents leave their children behind and never go back for them, about why are they so terrible at parenting or are they ? There are thousands of reasons why parents leave their children, reasons like they're afraid of commitments, responsibilities, think they're too screwed...

Thursday, August 23, 2012


 First of all, let us define “Minion”. These are people (and some small to mid-sized animals) whose purpose in the organization is to ensure that all of your, dangerously close to insane, schemes succeed. Some people use fancy terms like “juniors” or “subordinates” to try and symbolize a “round table hierarchy” where people are equal.  This is a fallacy. In any organization there are superiors and inferiors. So make sure to stomp out any...


  This is to all my followers ,Msongo BlogSpot is here to give you articles that will thrill you,articles that are either part of our Adventures  and things that happen in our country Tanzania and the world in respect.For those who have been sending emails complaining they cant view some of the articles because they are not displayed ,please go to older post just below the blog,we don't delete our articles.We kindly thank you all for...


Fashion to me is a time traveler watch that changed lady gaga into wearing meat as cloth,when i look around the fashion industry i can see a lot , i can see the good and the bad of the industry especially in the country that am living in.Today i will reveal the good an the bad about this industry on my tomorrows article but before i do so i would like to shear a conversation that i had with a young upcoming model called Patrick Mathew. Msongo: Hi...