Friday, December 21, 2012


“If you sprinkle while you tinkle, be a sweet and wipe the seat!” When I was a wee one dealing with the complexities "potty training", there was a picture hanging in the main bathroom featuring a little boy using the loo. It had the ridiculous rhyme above under it. Besides proving that my mother had a twisted sense of humor (must have got it from her), the picture was supposed to help us boys keep an eye on the “aiming” issue when we decided...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lessons from "3 Idiots"

"Whatever the problem in life is... just say to yourself 'Aal Izz Well'.. This wont solve your problems but it will give the courage to face it.." "Chase Excellence and success will follow".. " Life is not about getting marks, grades but chasing your dreams".. These are the golden rules which 3 IDIOTS teaches you in a very light and entertaining way.. The movie makes you laugh and in the process you learn many golden rules which can alter your life...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Top Songs of 2012

Leave alone the Billboard, what the critics say on meta-critic and my lovely local music. Whether the song has been charting or not.Here is a list of of the songs that had me going in 2012. I dont really know which song should probably be my best in this short list. Offcourse there have been many good song such as Azonto, Wild Ones, Gangnam Style but their lyrical disability makes the not make the list.  Ed Sheeran- The A-Team This song is...

Monday, December 17, 2012


I tell my close friend Seanron its Christmas fever and he laughs and tells me its Christmas stress,as we all know Christmas is around the corner ,the jingling bells and the Christmas trees every where but its quite different these days ,the joy of Christmas has fade ,in my growing period i witnessed and celebrated x mass in an epoch way ,but its saddening how these days x mass can be. I...

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I love my country and am proud of being a Tanzanian ,a country with beautiful features and blessed people ,to my thoughts its among the richest country in the world but to political aspects its always said the country i live in is among the poorest country,it really irritates to hear such a comment but no matter how i cover my ears and the ears of those innocent young growing boys and girls the sound still penetrates to the ear drums,it has been...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Les Sapeurs: The Bakongo Gentlemens

 “I met one took his picture then another and soon I met them all. They are not rich men, are very democratic and amazed me by their manners, elegance and attention to detail that provides such a contrast with their shantytown which has been bombed to pieces. And like a lot of African villages is really very dirty, very messy and very haphazard. But they are normal people – anyone can be a sapeur, no one is excluded.” For the first time...

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I have always been thinking,figuring out how things have quite changed in today's world ,and a colleague tells me that's why its 21st century. I love technology ,you can count me as a nerd while i don't belong there,modern things have changed people way of living ,they even have a word they call it innovative /innovation in simple language modern ways..i repeat again am a big fun of the modern world,everything...

Friday, December 7, 2012

MOVIE REVIEW:TWILIGHT SAGA(breaking dawn part 2)

Today, a student accused me of bias when I told her I have not liked any of the Twilight films. I haven’t read the books either, but then I have no interest in such dribble. If biased means looking at the quality of a film based on entertainment value, quality of acting and story and other such points, then I am indeed guilty. I believe I attend far too many screenings to be considered too biased, since, I make every effort to offer merit where...

Thursday, December 6, 2012


After a very long week i decided to go and have that beautiful view at the lake,but what makes the visit so untold is i met a very close comrade who i never expected to meet anytime soon,a guy that we schooled together in primary school moreover we never used to like each other ,but after we met there was no option rather than joining and pretend we were close friends. This dude was among the most cocky dude i had ever seen ,all he did is talk about...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


After a big success of about 350 viewers that read my article about the end of the world ,and as i promised there things that i would like to spit out and clear my chest before the dooms day ,so i would like to continue even though am ranking my believes high that the world is never going to end soon but let me just be prudent. 1.RUTHLESS POLITICIANS If i were to define politicians i would say they are all liars ,few will portray honesty but...

Spread the Chrismas Cheer

Has the Christmas mood started to settle in, at work or at home? Not yet huh? I know. A few workmates were talking about how it just doesn’t feel the same. We are not being bombarded with Christmas songs from the radio and the mobile vans selling movie/series DVDs and CDs. By the way, if you plan to buy a few Christmas music CDs from those mobile truck people, ensure they play the CD so you can hear the music before you purchase it. Another...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I appreciate on those who read my articles,few emails and phone calls i get everyday they keep me motivated. As always i write about matters that either leave me in a dilemma or matters that irritate me,sometimes i write about the best and happiest things and my adventures in general.. I think about people names in my country and i find them so attic ,i don't mean to offend any one ,my exposure to different places has...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Am getting irritated with manners of my sisters these days,few months back i posted an article on how women can be complicated and confusing,the fact that they use an hour on the mirror irritates a lot of my drinking mates. Today while i was in a public bus i saw something so confusing ,and trust me attractive too,and this issue isn't the first am seeing ,i have seen quite the same scenarios. My eyes have no curtains,and surely you cant block them...

Monday, November 26, 2012


I wonder how we treat ourselves these days ,last time my young sister had malaria we had to get her to the hospital and probably the doctor did prescribe Metakelfin, a dose that they believed it will make her fine again ,and why lie after the dose few more days then i find her happily singing at the mirror,this defined her health was getting better. Perhaps they all didn't have my perspective,i  do hate drugs,i believe...

Saturday, November 24, 2012


I am a big fun of movies ,i keep on preaching to friends how much i am a movie freak,if am not on a safari i would definitely spend my weekend watching movies.Me and my Lad Seanron spend most of our weekends in movie theaters.I love theaters but there things that make me uncomfortable when watching movies ,i really had a hard time while watching "Sky fall " i could barely concentrate on the movie. If i wanted to watch...


Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa (born 1949 in Zanzibar, is an extremely reclusive Tanzanian business tycoon. He is the founding father and the Chairman of the Bakhresa Group Of Companies. He is a well-known industrialist in the mainland of Tanzania and island of Zanzibar. With a humble beginning as a small restaurateur in seventies, he created the business empire within a span of three decades. He is the mastermind behind the success...

25 AWESOME TIPS For a Beautiful Life.

if you implement all of these or only half of it then you life will be easy and awesome. 1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant. 2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. 3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s guidance for your purpose, today. 4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 5. Drink green...

Friday, November 23, 2012


Weddings give me goosebumps ,its not that i hate seeing people tying  that knot but it really scares me that each day i have to witness breakups and divorces.. In other countries wedding are simply done with no complications ,the weds go to church and get back home to celebrate with few friends and loved ones . But in my country Tanzania its quite different i tell you , what am trying to set here are scenes that most weddings...

Greatest Singing Voices In Tanzania PT 1

Banana Zorro Banana Zorro is most certainly one of the best vocalists of all time in Tanzania. The inaugural winner of Tanzanian version of American Idol wowed the country with his incredible vocals and still today is considered as one of the best singers in the nation, simply because his voice is so rich and powerful. On top of the richness of his voice, he is also the most versatile singer of all time. Being able to change his voice to fit...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

SIRI YA MTUNGI (Tanzanian best series by John Riber)

Siri ya mtungi is a Tanzanian TV series that will educate you and make you understand the E.African way of living especially Tanzania. A series that explains the life of a photographer known as cheche ,Cheche is a owner of a photograph studio known as mtungi.Cheche has a wife a wife that together they raise their two kids and while the wife is pregnant of the third one. Cheche is trying to find a solution on how he can start...